Distiller Kristina Anerfalt-Jansson at work creating her latest spirit produced on her family’s farm located in the Swedish countryside.
During a recent trip to Sweden I was assigned to photograph a small distillery run by Richard Jansson and his wife Kristina Anerfalt-Jansson. The couple began their venture into the spirit world after Kristina inherited the family farm located in the heart of Roslagen just north of Stockholm. The farm has been in the family for five generations and while both she and Richard wanted to keep the farm neither of them wanted to become farmers. Together they hatched the idea to create a distillery where they could brew Swedish punsch and thus was born their Norrtelje Brenneri where they now produce several spirits which include gin, whisky, Sailing schnapps as well as their original punsch.

Kristina keeps an eye on the alcohol content of her latest batch of gin.

A fresh batch of gin trickles from the still.

View inside one the copper stills at the Norrtelje Brenneri distillery in Sweden.

A large 1800 liter antique Bellman Barrel named after the Swedish composer Carl Michael Bellman was restored and put back into use at the Norrtelje Brenneri distillery located in the farmlands outside of Stockholm, Sweden. Of the 15 barrels originally produced back in the 1860s this is the only one in production today.

Farmland around the Norrtelje Brenneri distillery north of Stockholm. Photo was made in the early spring before the land was warm enough for planting.

Remnants of age gone by in the farming region around the Norrtelje Brenneri distillery.

Products created at the Norrtelje Brenneri in Sweden.

Portrait of Kristina Anerfalt-Jansson and her husband/business partner Richard Jansson outside the barn which they converted into commercial still on Kristina’s long time family farm in the Swedish countryside. Their company, Norrtelje Brenneri, produces several spirits including gin, whisky and Swedish punsch.